Managing Permanent Camps, Mobile Camps & Public Campsites: All job description of Camp staff from Watchman to Camp manager. Client Relations skills, methods required to perform Camp duties. Enhancing job performance, encouragement to improve. Learning new skills with a view to promotion, Codes of Conducts, etc.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
303. Courses & Programs: CAMP MANAGEMENT.
Managing Permanent Camps, Mobile Camps & Public Campsites: All job description of Camp staff from Watchman to Camp manager. Client Relations skills, methods required to perform Camp duties. Enhancing job performance, encouragement to improve. Learning new skills with a view to promotion, Codes of Conducts, etc.
Managing Permanent Camps, Mobile Camps & Public Campsites: All job description of Camp staff from Watchman to Camp manager. Client Relations skills, methods required to perform Camp duties. Enhancing job performance, encouragement to improve. Learning new skills with a view to promotion, Codes of Conducts, etc.
302. Courses & Programs: Languages - Spoken English, French, etc.
Module 8: LANGUAGES - Spoken English, French, etc:
Spoken English.
The Spoken English is based on Spoken phrases that are commonly used in daily life.
Phrases used are grouped in different ocassions like:
Spoken English is made into a module and it will acquire a Competence-based format.
At PROTS we give high priority to Spoken English as a Core.
There are other Extra languages that are Optional and are conducted when teachers are available: French, Spanish, Italian, German, etc.Spoken English.
The Spoken English is based on Spoken phrases that are commonly used in daily life.
Phrases used are grouped in different ocassions like:
- Happiness
- Sorrow,
- Thankful,
- Love, etc.
Spoken English is made into a module and it will acquire a Competence-based format.
301. Courses & Programs - General Identifications.
At PROTS we have a unique technique of making our guides master of General Identifications of Birds, Animals and Plants.
The record is still held by Mr. Solomon Mkumbo "Mdudu" who graduated with 750 plus species he could accurately identify.
For many years we have collected many photo that are perfect for general identification.
Below: Using PowerPoint slide show on Samsung High Definition Flat screen, the task of identifying Birds, Animals and Plants becomes total fun!
General Identifications are very important for a Professional Tour Guide.
At PROTS a student is required to maintain a Progressive Lists for Animals (min-100, Birds (min-300) and Plants (min-100). This list is updated as the number of species the student can identify increases.
List of 300 species of Birds that must be identified to meet graduation standards at PROTS.
- Avocet, Pied Avocet
- Barbet, Crested Barbet.
- Barbet, D’Arnaud’s Barbet.
- Barbet, Red and Yellow Barbet.
- Barbet, Red-fronted Barbet.
- Barbet, White-headed Barbet.
- Batis, Chin-spot Batis.
- Bee-eater, Carmine Bee-eater.
- Bee-eater, European Bee-eater.
- Bee-eater, Little Bee-eater.
- Bee-eater, White-fronted Bee-eater.
- Bee-eater, White-throated Bee-eater.
- Beteleur
- Bishop, Black Bishop.
- Bishop, Yellow Bishop.
- Bishop, Yellow-crowed Bishop.
- Bishop, Zanzibar Red Bishop.
- Boubou, Tropical Boubou
- Bronze Sunbird.
- Brubru.
- Buffalo Weaver, Red-billed Buffalo Weaver.
- Buffalo, Weaver, White-headed Buffalo-Weaver.
- Bulbul, Common, Black-eyed, Yellow-vented Bulbul.
- Bunting, Golden-breasted Bunting.
- Bustard, Black-bellied Bustard.
- Bustard, Buff-crested Bustard
- Bustard, Denham’s Bustard.
- Bustard, Kori Bustard.
- Buzzard, Augur Buzzard.
- Chat , Sooty Chat.
- Chat, Ant-eater Chat.
- Coot, Red-knobed Coot
- Cordon-bleu, Blue-capped Cordon-bleu.
- Cordon-bleu, Red-cheecked Cordon-bleu.
- Cormorant, (Great), White-necked Cormorant.
- Cormorant, Long-tailed Cormorant.
- Coucal, White-browed Coucal.
- Courser, Heuglin’s Courser.
- Courser, Temminck’s Courser.
- Courser, Two banded Courser.
- Crake, Black Crake.
- Crow, Indian House Crow.
- Crow, Pied Crow.
- Crown Crane.
- Cuckoo, African Cuckoo
- Cuckoo, Diedrick Cuckoo
- Cuckoo, Emerald Cuckoo
- Cuckoo, Great Spotted Cuckoo.
- Cuckoo, Klaas Cuckoo.
- Cuckoo, Red-chested Cuckoo.
- Curlew
- Dabchick Grebe, Little Grebe.
- Darter, African Darter.
- Dikkop, Spotted Dikkop, Thicknee
- Dikkop, Water Dikkop, Thicknee.
- Dove, African Mourning Dove.
- Dove, Emerald-spotted Dove. Green-spotted Dove.
- Dove, Laughing, Dove.
- Dove, Namaqua Dove.
- Dove, Red-eyed Dove.
- Dove, Ring-necked Dove.
- Dove, Tambourine Dove.
- Drongo, Fork-tailed Drongo.
- Drongo, Square-tailed Drongo.
- Duck, Fulvous Whistling Duck.
- Duck, Knob-billed Duck
- Duck, Red-billed Duck.
- Duck, White-faced Whistling Duck.
- Duck, Yellow-billed Duck.
- Eagle, African Fish Eagle
- Eagle, Black Eagle or Verreux’s Eagle.
- Eagle, Crowned eagle.
- Eagle, Long-crested Eagle.
- Eagle, Marshal Eagle.
- Eagle, Steppe Eagle.
- Eagle, Wahlberg’s Eagle
- Egret, Cattle Egret.
- Egret, Great white Egret
- Egret, Little Egret
- Egret, Little Egret – Black Phace.
- Egret, Yellow-billed Egret.
- Falcon, Lanner Falcon.
- Falcon, Pygmy Falcon.
- Finch, African Fire Finch
- Finch, Cut-throat Finch.
- Firefinch, Red-billed Firefinch.
- Fiscal (Shrike), Common Fiscal.
- Fiscal, Long-tailed Fiscal.
- Fiscal, Taita Fiscal.
- Fiscal, Uhehe Fiscal
- Flamingo, Greater Flamingo.
- Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo.
- Flycatcher, (African) Grey Flycatcher.
- Flycatcher, African Paradise Flycatcher.
- Flycatcher, Black Flycatcher.
- Flycatcher, Dusky Flycatcher.
- Flycatcher, Wattle–eyed Flycatcher.
- Francolin, Coqui Francolin
- Francolin, Crested Francolin
- Francolin, Jackson’s Francolin.
- Gallinule, Purple Gallinule.
- Go-away bird, Bare-faced Go-away bird
- Go-Awaybird, White-bellied Go-Awaybird. Lourie.
- Goose, Egyptian Goose.
- Goose, Pygmy Goose.
- Goose, Spur-winged Goose.
- Goshawk, Pale Chanting Goshawk.
- Grebe, Great Crested Grebe
- Greenshank.
- Grenadier, Purple Grenadier.
- Grenadier, Purple Grenadier.
- Grey-breasted Spurfowl.
- Guinea fowl, Crested Guinea fowl.
- Guineafowl, Helmeted Guineafowl.
- Guineafowl, Vulturine Guineafowl
- Gull, Grey-headed Gull.
- Hammerkop
- Harrier, Montagu Harrier.
- Harrier, Pallid Harrier.
- Hawk, Harrier Hawk – Gymnogene.
- Heron, Black heron.
- Heron, Black-headed Heron.
- Heron, Goliath Heron.
- Heron, Green-backed Heron
- Heron, Grey Heron
- Heron, Night Heron (Black-crowned)
- Heron, Purple Heron.
- Heron, Squacco Heron.
- Honeyguide, Greater Honeyguide.
- Hoopoe, African Hoopoe.
- Hoopoe, Green Wood Hoopoe.
- Hornbill, Black & White Casqued Hornbill.
- Hornbill, Crowned Hornbill.
- Hornbill, Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill.
- Hornbill, Grey Hornbill.
- Hornbill, Red-billed Hornbill.
- Hornbill, Silver-cheeked Hornbill.
- Hornbill, Southern Ground Hornbill.
- Hornbill, Von der Decken’s Hornbill.
- Hunter’s Sunbird.
- Ibis – Glossy Ibis.
- Ibis, Hadada Ibis.
- Ibis, Sacred Ibis.
- Indigobird, Village Indigobird.
- Jacana, African Jacana.
- Kingfisher, Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Giant Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Grey-headed Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Half-collared Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Malachite Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Mangrove Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Pied Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Pygmy Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Stripped Kingfisher.
- Kingfisher, Woodland Kingfisher.
- Kite, Black Kite.
- Kite, Black-shouldered Kite
- Lammergeyer or Vulture, Bearded Vulture.
- Lark, Fischer’s Sparrow Lark.
- Longclaw, Rossy-breasted Longclaw.
- Longclaw, Yellow-throated Longclaw.
- Lovebird, Fischer’s Lovebird.
- Lovebird, Yellow-collared Lovebird.
- Manikin, Black-faced Manikin.
- Mannikin, Bronze Mannikin.
- Martin, Banded Martin.
- Moorhen, Common Moorhen
- Mousebird, Blue-napped Mousebird.
- Mousebird, Speckled Mousebird.
- Mousebird, White -headed Mouse bird.
- Oreole, African Golden Oreole
- Oriole, African Black-headed Oriole.
- Ostrich, Maasai Ostrich.
- Owl, African Barn Owl.
- Owl, African Marsh Owl
- Owl, Pearl spotted Owlet.
- Owl, Spotted Eagle Owl
- Owl, White-faced Scop’s owl.
- Oxpecker, Red-billed Ox-pecker.
- Oxpecker, Yellow-billed Ox-pecker.
- Parrot, Brown Parrot.
- Pelican, Pink-backed Pelican
- Pelican, White Pelicans.
- Pigeon, Green Pigeon.
- Pigeon, Olive Pigeon
- Pigeon, Speckled Pigeon.
- Pipit, Richard’s Pipit.
- Plover, Black-headed Plover.
- Plover, Blacksmith Plover, (Lapwing).
- Plover, Black-winged Plover
- Plover, Black-winged Plover
- Plover, Caspian Plover.
- Plover, Chestnut-banded Plover.
- Plover, Crab Plover.
- Plover, Crowned Plover
- Plover, Long-toed Plover.
- Plover, Ringed Plover
- Plover, Spur-winged Plover
- Plover, Three-banded Plover
- Plover, Wattled Plover.
- Quelea, Cardinal Quelea.
- Quelea, Red-billed Quelea
- Rail, Water Rail
- Raven, Fan-tailed Raven.
- Raven, White-necked Raven.
- Red-winged Starling.
- Robin Chat, White-browed Robin Chat.
- Roller, European Roller.
- Roller, Lilac-breasted Roller.
- Roller, Rufous crowned Roller.
- Ruppell’s Griffon Vulture.
- Sandgrouse, Black-faced Sandgrouse.
- Sandgrouse, Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse.
- Sandgrouse, Yellow-throated Sandgrouse.
- Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper
- Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper.
- Scarlet Chested Sunbird
- Secretary Bird
- Shoveler, Northern Shoveler.
- Shrike - White crowned (Helmet) Shrike.
- Shrike, Great Grey Shrike.
- Shrike, Magpie Shrike.
- Silverbill, African Silverbill.
- Silverbird.
- Skimmer, African Skimmer.
- Smitarbill, Abyssinian Smitarbill.
- Smitarbill, African Smitarbill.
- Snipe, African Snipe.
- Snipe, Painted Snipe.
- Southern Pochard
- Sparrow, Grey-headed Sparrow.
- Spoonbill, African Spoonbill.
- Spurfowl, Red-necked Spurfowl
- Spurfowl, Yellow-necked Spurfowl.
- Starling, Ashy Starling.
- Starling, Blue-eared Glossy Starling.
- Starling, Bristle-crowned Starling.
- Starling, Golden-breasted Starling.
- Starling, Hildebrandit’s Starling.
- Starling, Ruppell’s Long-tailed Glossy Starling
- Starling, Superb Staling.
- Starling, Violet-backed Starling.
- Starling, Wattled Starling.
- Stilt, Black-winged, Stilt.
- Stint, Little Stint.
- Stonechat, Common Stone chat.
- Stork, Abdim’s Stork.
- Stork, Black stork
- Stork, Marabou Stork.
- Stork, Open-billed Stork (African)
- Stork, White Stork.
- Stork, Woollynecked Stork
- Stork, Yellow-billed Stork.
- Sunbird, Beautiful Sunbird.
- Sunbird, Copper Sunbird.
- Sunbird, Golden-winged Sunbird.
- Sunbird, Green-headed Sunbird
- Sunbird, Hunter’s Sunbird
- Sunbird, Malachite Sunbird.
- Sunbird, Marico Sunbird.
- Sunbird, Purple-breasted Sunbird.
- Sunbird, Scarlet-chested Sunbird.
- Sunbird, Variable Sunbird.
- Swallow, Lesser Stripped Swallow.
- Swallow, Wire-tailed Swallow.
- Tawny Eagle
- Teal, Hottentot Teal.
- Teal, Red-billed teal.
- Trogon, Narina Trogon.
- Turaco, Hartlaub’s Turaco.
- Turaco, Ross’s Turaco
- Twinspot , Peter’s Twinspot.
- Verreaux’s Eagle Owl.
- Vulture, Egyptian Vulture.
- Vulture, Hooded Vulture.
- Vulture, Lapper-faced Vulture. Nubian Vulture.
- Vulture, Palmnut Vulture
- Vulture, White-backed Vulture
- Vulture, White-headed Vulture
- Wagtail, African Pied Wagtail.
- Waxbill, Common Waxbill.
- Weaver, Baglafecht Weaver. (Reichenow’s)
- Weaver, Black-headed Weaver. (Village Weaver)
- Weaver, Golden-backed Weaver.
- Weaver, Grosbeak (Thick-billed Weaver)
- Weaver, Holub’s Golden Weaver.
- Weaver, Lesser Masked Weaver
- Weaver, Northern Masked Weaver
- Weaver, Red-headed Weaver.
- Weaver, Rufous-tailed Weaver.
- Weaver, Speckle-fronted Weaver.
- Weaver, Spectacled Weaver.
- Weaver, Speke’s Weaver.
- Weaver, White-browed Sparrow Weaver.
- Whitebellied Bustard.
- Whitebilled Buffalo Weaver
- Whiteeye, Slaty Flycatcher.
- Whiteeye, Yellow White-eye.
- Whydah, Eastern Paradise Whydah.
- Whydah, Pin-tailed Whydah.
- Whydah, Straw-tailed Whydah.
- Widowbird, Long-tailed Widowbird.
- Widow-bird, Red-collared Widowbird.
- Widowbird, White-winged Widowbird
- Widowbird, Yellow-mantled Widowbird.
- Woodpecker, Nubian
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